The monthly general meeting for the Edmonton & Area 567 club was held on July 7 at our new car club Clubhouse located upstairs at the National RV siding building.. There were 17 members present and all were quite impressed with the new “digs”, thanks to Norm....
This was the first in house meeting held since the Covid 19 “crap” started...
We did not get too “heavy” on some issues, One of the main topics discussed was the 20th annual “ Bowties vs the World” Charity Show n Shine, we will NOT present this car show again this year, what with the uncertainly of the Pandemic plus all the variants going around, the main sponsors & our many associate sponsor feel that given one more year, we all may be “clear” of this virus.. Another issue was the up & down attitude of AHS on this major pandemic, and it was felt by all involved that it is best to hold off till the “Coast” is clear... Safety to everyone is #1.
We are looking at the end of August 2022 to hold this event...There will be more info on this event as we get closer to August 2022..
The car club’s bank account is healthy , there are still some current members that have not paid the 2021 membership dues, I personally want to THANK all of you that have paid already ( this assists the club on taking care of monthly $$$ costs) and we welcome all your support...
The Emmanus Lutheran church held there annual Show n Shine on July 18 at their church, the Edmonton & Area 567 club was well represented ( Brian C, Armand L, Norm M & Jim. K ). A early report was that the $$$ raised was around $1300.00 for the church operation.. The club has donated a cheque for $200.00 to the ESRA for their upcoming show n shine, this is a 2nd year that we have been involved..
If anyone has any Tri-5 articles that they want to donate to our clubhouse, do give Norm a call ...
Craig S. has his ‘57 Chevy completed with the help from Roy M. It does look good... Norm has purchased a 1934 Ford hot rod & ya I said a Ford but it is all “tricked “ out with latest Hi-performance goodies and has a warmed up 350 Chevy power plant.. It is a nice “ride”....
Going back to our Clubhouse, there is a shuffle board table & pool table, plus a large kitchen area, so we will host a couple of tourneys in the winter time.. There is some club cruises in the works and if anyone has other ideas, let’s hear from you....The “Bernie McIvor” award has a 3 member panel ( Don C, Armand L. & Pat W.). The award will be presented at the end of 2021 and this award is given to a member that displays the support, enthusiasm & club spirit that defined Bernie.. These gentlemen will make their selection at that time..
Speaking of awards, Roy M. was presented with a $50.00 Gift card for his winning the inhouse participation award for 2020.. All you have to do is come out to a meeting, and if possible bring you “ride’ out ( that will add extra points ).. Winner at the end of the calendar year..
The new kids on the block, so to speak ( Lordco auto parts) have not yet notified us on having our group at their grand opening or being a award sponsor at “Bowties vs the World”.. Once a decision has been made, you will be informed..
Jim K. & his ’55 Chevy represented the club along with 13 other groups at the SVAA antique car special day , which was held at the Railway Museum, just North of town.. The Province and SVAA have proclaimed that July 9 as antique car day in the province of Alberta...
A fellow club member is having a good time running his ’55 Chevy gasser at Area 53 dragstrip / Forestburg AB. He has a strong running ’55 gasser.. Good job Mark B... Keep it up, eh....
Next meeting is on August 4 at 7 p.m @ 14305-121A-Ave National RV siding..
In the mean time, be safe !!