Due to the AHS Covid-19 protocols we did not have a general meeting but the Club’s executive did meet up for a meeting. The club will be at the RED DEER Swap meet again. There still is Interest in our club & is growing.
Discussed was the Spring Swap Meet in Sherwood Park, slated for April 17, it was decided to CANCEL any plans for one, what with all the Covid-19 protocols still in place & the limitation of vendors/shoppers this would certainly cause a problem.
We are still working on having our 20th annual “Bowties vs the World” Show N Shine, to be held on August 28, we are just waiting to hear a response from the Good Folks @ NAPA and from the many award sponsors on their support of our show.. If the response is not in our favor, we will look to hold it in 2022.
The Executive meeting is slated for March sometime and we hopefully wish to have a Monthly meeting for all members in April.
A reminder to all members that the 2021 Club dues are NOW BEING ACCEPTED, please sent them in.. We have had to purchase the insurance package for this year to cover all the members partaking in Club functions for this year and we have to replenish the bank account.
Keep safe & hopefully we will get together SOON!