The Edmonton & Area 567 club November Monthly Minutes
Meeting started @ 7:05 P.M with 15 Members present
We did not provide Pizza/Pop as we did in October.
A review of the October minutes were given, along with the current treasurer’s report.
All the info was accepted by all members ( club account in v.g standing still )
Still waiting for the bank’s Covid issues to be resolved ( it seems that they have a personnel issue) so Norm & Roy can have their names added to the account for signing authority..
A brief statement was made on our club’s tour to the Legends Vintage Golf Cart Museum... We will arrange a tour in 2021 for all the members.
There was a discussion on our annual Christmas gathering, It has been decided to have it @ Norm’s place with a potluck style of supper..
NOTE: as of this decision the plans have changed and the Christmas gathering has been CANCELLED due to the current Covid AHS ruling for this year.....
The spring swap meet that has been so successful in the past is still in the works.. Just waiting for the County of Strathcona to contact Jim on plans/dates..
We still have the plans in the works for our 20th Annual “ Bowties vs the World” show n shine.. Tenative date is August 28/2021.
Reminder to ALL members, Please approach your contacts for door prizes for the event & attach business cards to them.. Further discussion on this event will be occurring at the January Meeting..
Still no word from the province on our Non-Profit status for 2021, never heard from them for the 2020 term either.. Application has been made..
The December meeting to be held at Norm’s Shop new location @ 14305-121A-Ave N.W.. Please NOTE : The December meeting has been CANCELLED due to the Covid Virus and the AHS new ruling....
The January meeting slated for Jan. 6th is still a go, as far as we know.. All members will be notified in advance if that has to cancelled also.... (check your junk/spam folders)
Various Parts For Sale
Jim has a pair of SBC valve cover with a K&N Breather attached on one of them - $60.00
Wade has a set of doors for a 4 door ’55 - $500.00
Sandy has a pair of ’55-’59 truck doors - $400.00 & 2 pair of Centerline rims w/caps ( 15X8.5 & 15X3.5 ) - $ 500.00
Norm has various Tri-5 parts ( in good shape) & some Muscle car parts too – Contact him for prices
Brian has ’57 rad. Saddle - $100
Lawrence has 1955 trunk lid - $100 & ’57 Center section for rear bumper - $150 ( Ph 780-288-1957)
Various Parts Wanted
Brian searching for ONE 15X5 Corvette Ralley wheel
Roy looking for a good rear bumper for a Tri-5 Pontiac
Bentley looking for ’56 wagon chassis ( complete)
Lawrence searching for Rear window tracks for a ’57 ragtop
50/50 draw
Results were not recorded.. OOPS !
Meeting ended @8:10 p.m
Minutes recorded by Jim K. ( in absent for Wade A.)
Next meeting December 2/2020 @ 7 p.m NOTE : This has been CANCELLED DUE TO THE CURRENT AHS COVID RULINGS !!!!!
Location is 14305-121A-Ave
Just a short note, The Edmonton & Area 567 Club has lost a great member and supporter, he will be truly missed..
Rest in Peace Bernie... You will Always be near our Hearts & he will be lookin’ down at our meetings !! I am sure..
Stay Safe Everyone !!!!!
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