567 Club
Edmonton, AB Month of March 4, 2020 - Commencing at 7:00
At National RV Siding (144482 – 124 Ave)
New Members Welcome Francis and intros from the club.Last month minutes Read by Jim and passed by Members in attendance.
Old Business
2020 567 Calendars – We are into March now so remaining calendars will go for reduced price of $5 ea. Members are asked to assist in sales and if you need information on anything calendar related contact Norm or Jim.
Our Swap meet to take place on Easter weekend April 10-11, 2020. Millennium Place 2000 Premier Way Sherwood Park. We will have a concrete floor, no tile this year, so small vehicles will be allowed in to unload (no HD diesel vehicles please). Volunteers are requested for set up all day Friday, gate security Saturday, please come out and help. 90 spots available 10’X10’, please contact Jim for bookings.
Our Show and Shine to take place on Saturday August 29, 2020. Napa 17310 – 111 Ave Edmonton. Volunteers are requested for set up early Saturday morning, please come out and help. Jim meeting with Mike to discuss details. Discussion on issues surrounding our ad for our swap meet in the March and April issues of Quick times.
Logo contest, three designs were viewed and consensus from attendees was that the #3 was the nicest. Jim to move forward on swag for show and shine.
Danchuk is on board to assist promotion of our show and shine event. Show and shine winners will receive an engraved metal/aluminum drive-in style window serving tray supplied from Danchuk.
Members are asked to talk it up about the show and shine to possible companies/individuals who would like to participate on vendor’s row or donate door prizes. This is a big job so please assist in anyway you can.
Roy to follow up on drive-in style movie night where we put up a couple movies on the side of the building. Jim to talk to Mike from Napa re details.
Rockabilly band/dance and entertainment for one-night approx. cost of $1800. Jim to discuss with Mike of Napa. Sponsor will be required to help us with this cost.
Web site has been paid for next 3 years, cost was $25. Thank you Rebecca.
Jim and Don are signing authorities on account. Looking to add both Norm and Roy.
Current supplier is no longer doing t-shirts. We are looking for another supplier. Need to order t-shirts, no 2XL in stock. Order 24 2XL. Voted in favor, unanimous. Gene to follow up and order.
New Business
Please pay up your 567 Membership the 2020 season is due now.
Jim has submitted info for internet Western Canadian cruise calendar.
Jim will be selling Calendars and cozies at red deer swap for $5.
Open Mic
Don suggested to pay for paper and ink for club Jims printer club business.
Gene LaRose gave info. Black Jack Car Show May 30 and Silent Auction March 28. ESRA is looking for sponsors for end of June event. For $400 sponsor package we can get club logo added to advert. This would be good public relations and network opportunity. We can recoup cost by doing raffle for this package to club members. Package contains 2 banquet tickets, entry for car and driver to event. Have our club as a sponsor for ESRA Weekend June 27 spend $400 to obtain club advertising during the event and then recouped this cost by doing raffle to membership for the package (two banquet tickets). Voted on and was unanimous supported by those in attendance.
Gene LaRose suggests we as a Men’s Car club support Women groups. Discussion. This is good practice and we will continue to support these groups with charity donations. FYI, WIN House donation was $1500 last year.
Rockabilly band/dance and entertainment for one-night approx. cost of $1800. Jim to discuss with Mike of Napa. Sponsor will be required to help us with this cost.
Web site has been paid for next 3 years, cost was $25. Thank you Rebecca.
Jim and Don are signing authorities on account. Looking to add both Norm and Roy.
Current supplier is no longer doing t-shirts. We are looking for another supplier. Need to order t-shirts, no 2XL in stock. Order 24 2XL. Voted in favor, unanimous. Gene to follow up and order.
New Business
Please pay up your 567 Membership the 2020 season is due now.
Jim has submitted info for internet Western Canadian cruise calendar.
Jim will be selling Calendars and cozies at red deer swap for $5.
Open Mic
Don suggested to pay for paper and ink for club Jims printer club business.
Gene LaRose gave info. Black Jack Car Show May 30 and Silent Auction March 28. ESRA is looking for sponsors for end of June event. For $400 sponsor package we can get club logo added to advert. This would be good public relations and network opportunity. We can recoup cost by doing raffle for this package to club members. Package contains 2 banquet tickets, entry for car and driver to event. Have our club as a sponsor for ESRA Weekend June 27 spend $400 to obtain club advertising during the event and then recouped this cost by doing raffle to membership for the package (two banquet tickets). Voted on and was unanimous supported by those in attendance.
Gene LaRose suggests we as a Men’s Car club support Women groups. Discussion. This is good practice and we will continue to support these groups with charity donations. FYI, WIN House donation was $1500 last year.
Don stated car groups and social media good way to circulate info as Jim has been doing. Rebecca is doing some of this on face book for the club.
Event Suggestions (Are you willing to Champion/Organize an event?) Garage tours – Please let us know if you want to host at your garage. Wheels repair place tour, Jim to follow up.
Vintage blast tour, Gene LaRose to follow up.
Perfection tour with Joanne, Norm to follow up.
February 15 Lethbridge swap Gene and Dave said it was a good swap. March 21 Quick times swap Red Deer,
March 28 silent auction at Black Jacks,
April 10\11 567 Swap
April 25, 26 Stoney Pain Swap
May 1&2 Antique Red Deer Swap
May 30 Black Jacks Car show (co sponsor ESRA and Mainstreet Cruisers)
May 9 (yet to be confirmed) Dons Cornish open field swap in Millet, AB
June 27 ESRA event
For SALECory looking for Ls 5.3 and 6 Litre cores, Don Cornish
Craig Shepherd has a ’57 split bench front seat, $800
Wade has set of doors from ’55 four door Bel air, $400
Sandy has 12-way power bucket seats from impala $50 beige leather bucket seats Roy has 350 Sbc 4 bolt main vorteck heads, $500
Bentley has 1968 327ci in pieces needs rebuilt, $250
Brian has 1957 rad supports (x2) for car $100
Event Suggestions (Are you willing to Champion/Organize an event?) Garage tours – Please let us know if you want to host at your garage. Wheels repair place tour, Jim to follow up.
Vintage blast tour, Gene LaRose to follow up.
Perfection tour with Joanne, Norm to follow up.
February 15 Lethbridge swap Gene and Dave said it was a good swap. March 21 Quick times swap Red Deer,
March 28 silent auction at Black Jacks,
April 10\11 567 Swap
April 25, 26 Stoney Pain Swap
May 1&2 Antique Red Deer Swap
May 30 Black Jacks Car show (co sponsor ESRA and Mainstreet Cruisers)
May 9 (yet to be confirmed) Dons Cornish open field swap in Millet, AB
June 27 ESRA event
For SALECory looking for Ls 5.3 and 6 Litre cores, Don Cornish
Craig Shepherd has a ’57 split bench front seat, $800
Wade has set of doors from ’55 four door Bel air, $400
Sandy has 12-way power bucket seats from impala $50 beige leather bucket seats Roy has 350 Sbc 4 bolt main vorteck heads, $500
Bentley has 1968 327ci in pieces needs rebuilt, $250
Brian has 1957 rad supports (x2) for car $100
Norm has 1957 set front fenders and a hood, contact for more info
Norm has 06 Chevy with 300km and goose neck trailer for sale, please contact
Norm has new Company, Tri-Five and Muscle. Danchuk dealer, Yellow leaf selling wheels.
Door Prizes
50/50, Winner Jim
In-out detail kit donated by Shawn, Winner Doug
A&W hat, Mug and windshield scraper, Winner Don
Murray Holden of Brandon Manitoba contacted Jim and is looking for power steering for ‘57 six cylinder. Please contact Jim if you can assist Murray.
Bentley is looking for frame to build outriggers.
Wade is looking for ’55 front seat split bench Next Month meeting will be at National RV Siding (14448 – 124 Ave) again due to the renovations taking place at New West Hotel with completion date unknown. Members who have a suggestion for meeting location please share with group at next meeting. Thanks Norm for hosting and thank you all for coming.
Adjournment 8:30 PM
Norm has 06 Chevy with 300km and goose neck trailer for sale, please contact
Norm has new Company, Tri-Five and Muscle. Danchuk dealer, Yellow leaf selling wheels.
Door Prizes
50/50, Winner Jim
In-out detail kit donated by Shawn, Winner Doug
A&W hat, Mug and windshield scraper, Winner Don
Murray Holden of Brandon Manitoba contacted Jim and is looking for power steering for ‘57 six cylinder. Please contact Jim if you can assist Murray.
Bentley is looking for frame to build outriggers.
Wade is looking for ’55 front seat split bench Next Month meeting will be at National RV Siding (14448 – 124 Ave) again due to the renovations taking place at New West Hotel with completion date unknown. Members who have a suggestion for meeting location please share with group at next meeting. Thanks Norm for hosting and thank you all for coming.
Adjournment 8:30 PM
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