
Meeting Minutes for February 2016

               The Edmonton & Area 567 club February general meeting
            Start- 7:10 p.m  @ Airway Inn, Nisku AB. 12 members present

The minutes from January meeting were read by Club Prez. Roy M..

Click "Read more" for the full details

The 567 Club Calendars are still available (very few left) $ 5.00 each !

Our club has qualified to be a “Non Profit Society” for the 2016 year..

Club account is still healthy, No major costs have occurred. Our Membership director , Don, has mentioned that some renewals are due. Please Support the club & get them in as soon as possible. New Members are always welcomed, too!

Roy M. to make arrangements for the club to “trek” on down to the Reynolds Museum in Early March, Requires a Head count. The admission is Club price @ $14.00 per person. The club will cover the fee for each paid member plus their spouse (if needed).
Anyone outside the club will have to pay their own way.. Roy is to have the info posted on the website or inform on e-mail.

Roy M. mentioned that a new NON-Chevy museum has opened in Fort Sask. It is called “Shelby Canada West” & you guessed it, the place features vintage Ford Shelby vehicles. Roy will look into a possible club visit, if the interest is there.

The Quick Times Swap Meet in Red Deer is slated for March 19th, the club will be there as usual. Jim & Roy have purchased a table each & the club has one also.
Flyers to be produced and handed out for Red Deer & Drayton Valley Swap meets to promote our Show N Shine in August.. Roy & Jim to work on this.
The Northern Thunder car club in Drayton Valley are holding a Swap Meet in April & the members have agreed to have 3 tables at the meet.
There was a new member @ the meeting.. Welcome Bruce Wood!

Bowties vs The World info –
All the Free Media sources are being informed on the event, more to be noted. 
A call out to all members to locate and bring forth 5 gal. type pails for our Ballot deposit Bins, we require 15 of them. The ice cream pails that we have used in the past are too small & are breaking up. 
The show date has been selected, that being August 27th/2016 with a rain-out date of August 28th. A possible new location is being looked into. Car Club had some issues last summer @ Northgate & to avoid a repeat of these issues (some of these issues have been ongoing for sometime) a “green Light” was given by the members to look at a possible move. However the current location is still status quo.

As mentioned before, our Car club trailer has been paid for. Due to the current financial condition - it has been decided not to pursue the trailer advertisers for this year, But if they want to provide a monetary donation to the club that will be good enough. The members presented and have passed this concept. If there are any NEW advertisers that would want to have their businesses on the trailer, Contact Jim (provide two 9” decals of your business & $100.00, That’s all that is required).

(NOTE) The website information was reported incorrectly and will be corrected next month.

50/50 Draw winners:
Cash won by Gene L.  T-shirt- Gene B.
Meeting closed @ 8:15 p.m

Minutes recorded by Bernie M.        Next Meeting March 2nd/2016

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2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553