Merry Christmas from the Edmonton & Area 567 Club
Best wishes to everyone on behalf of the Edmonton & Area 567 Club. Here's to a fantastic 2017 filled with great moments and memories with loved ones.
Meeting Minutes for November 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club November meeting minutes
at the Airways Inn, Nisku, AB Nov.2/2016 14 members present
The meeting was opened with the Prez. Roy M. reading the minutes of the October meeting & all was accepted by those in attendance.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Jim K. The account is in good standing and the only cheque outstanding id the donation cheque to Kids with Cancer. (EDITORS NOTE - This was rectified)
The Non Profit application to the Province has been sent in & we are just waiting for the approval.
New Business:
The club had a location again at the Red Deer Swap Meet presented by Quick Times Magazine. We again had lots of people dropping by and inquiring about the club.
Roy M. & Keith G. are working to have a 2017 club calendar printed.. More to come before year’s end.
World of Wheels car show is returning this spring and maybe we can put to-gether a club display. Jim to check into this and report given at the January meeting.
The Annual Club’s Christmas dinner is on December 7 @ Black jack’s Roadhouse.
Deadline for tickets is November 16 ( to arrange the menu ) Contact Don C.
We had a guest speaker for this meeting, Mr. Reg Adams. His presentation and idea were brought forth to those in attendance. His concept is to hold a indoor Spring Swap Meet in the city with a car club aiding him on the operation of the event. He brought out 3 different locations, all on the South Side of Edmonton that would be good spots to hold such an event. His proposal to us is to assist him in the areas of advertising, supply volunteers ( for move in night, day of event & clean-up), event security and admission gate. The benefits to the club, is a even split of the profits to us, the opportunity and the recognition that the club would receive for this venture. Jim had stated that the club would only submit $1000.00 to the venture and that 12 or more members would have to commit to assist in this event..
Many questions were brought forward such as table rental costs, event insurance coverage all members volunteering, First Aid attendants, Fire regulations etc. Plus who the person or group in charge would be, admission & vendor cost.. Before anything can be moved forward, Jim made a motion that the volunteers needed & commitment from them should be addressed first.. A deadline date was presented to Reg, to complete the first stage ( volunteers ) which is December 7, 2016.. As of this print we have only got verbal commitment from 7-8 people.. A mini meeting was held after the Main Meeting with members that showed interest to this venture, to discuss this idea and concerns that we have to deal with.. The final decision on this will be made by the club members at December’s Christmas supper at BlackJack’s Roadhouse, Nisku AB.
The club will be at the Stony Plain Swap meet again, to promote our club and sell some items that some members want to get rid of.
Old Business :
None was discussed .. The presentation of our Donation Cheque to the Kids with Cancer had to be addressed & Roy M. to make the trip over to their office to give them the cheque.
Club Website:
October had 1956 visitors, pushing us over the 80,000 visitors mark since we revamped the website, about 3-4 yrs. ago… The most viewed sites were our event results, the event pictures and members page.. A new membership form has been posted with Don’s new mailing address
50/50 Draw
Cash was won by Jim K. the Snap On waste paper basket won by Armand L.
The tri-five book ( supplied by Reg Adams) won by Kellen K.
Meeting closed @ 8:30 P.M Minutes recorded by Bernie M.
at the Airways Inn, Nisku, AB Nov.2/2016 14 members present
The meeting was opened with the Prez. Roy M. reading the minutes of the October meeting & all was accepted by those in attendance.
The Treasurer’s report was given by Jim K. The account is in good standing and the only cheque outstanding id the donation cheque to Kids with Cancer. (EDITORS NOTE - This was rectified)
The Non Profit application to the Province has been sent in & we are just waiting for the approval.
New Business:
The club had a location again at the Red Deer Swap Meet presented by Quick Times Magazine. We again had lots of people dropping by and inquiring about the club.
Roy M. & Keith G. are working to have a 2017 club calendar printed.. More to come before year’s end.
World of Wheels car show is returning this spring and maybe we can put to-gether a club display. Jim to check into this and report given at the January meeting.
The Annual Club’s Christmas dinner is on December 7 @ Black jack’s Roadhouse.
Deadline for tickets is November 16 ( to arrange the menu ) Contact Don C.
We had a guest speaker for this meeting, Mr. Reg Adams. His presentation and idea were brought forth to those in attendance. His concept is to hold a indoor Spring Swap Meet in the city with a car club aiding him on the operation of the event. He brought out 3 different locations, all on the South Side of Edmonton that would be good spots to hold such an event. His proposal to us is to assist him in the areas of advertising, supply volunteers ( for move in night, day of event & clean-up), event security and admission gate. The benefits to the club, is a even split of the profits to us, the opportunity and the recognition that the club would receive for this venture. Jim had stated that the club would only submit $1000.00 to the venture and that 12 or more members would have to commit to assist in this event..
Many questions were brought forward such as table rental costs, event insurance coverage all members volunteering, First Aid attendants, Fire regulations etc. Plus who the person or group in charge would be, admission & vendor cost.. Before anything can be moved forward, Jim made a motion that the volunteers needed & commitment from them should be addressed first.. A deadline date was presented to Reg, to complete the first stage ( volunteers ) which is December 7, 2016.. As of this print we have only got verbal commitment from 7-8 people.. A mini meeting was held after the Main Meeting with members that showed interest to this venture, to discuss this idea and concerns that we have to deal with.. The final decision on this will be made by the club members at December’s Christmas supper at BlackJack’s Roadhouse, Nisku AB.
The club will be at the Stony Plain Swap meet again, to promote our club and sell some items that some members want to get rid of.
Old Business :
None was discussed .. The presentation of our Donation Cheque to the Kids with Cancer had to be addressed & Roy M. to make the trip over to their office to give them the cheque.
Club Website:
October had 1956 visitors, pushing us over the 80,000 visitors mark since we revamped the website, about 3-4 yrs. ago… The most viewed sites were our event results, the event pictures and members page.. A new membership form has been posted with Don’s new mailing address
50/50 Draw
Cash was won by Jim K. the Snap On waste paper basket won by Armand L.
The tri-five book ( supplied by Reg Adams) won by Kellen K.
Meeting closed @ 8:30 P.M Minutes recorded by Bernie M.
16th Bow-Ties vs the World Cheque Donation
Apologies for the delay on this. Club President Roy Marko has delivered the cheque to the order of $2200CDN, raised from the 16th Annual Bow-Ties vs the World Show and Shine, to the Kids with Cancer Society.
A huge thank you to everyone who participated, contributed, attended and volunteered for this year's event. Despite the muggy weather and the change of venue - it was a great time for all involved. We look forward to next year when everything gets bigger and better for the cause.
Keep that Tri-5 Alive,
Web Admin
Major Proposal for 567 Club Members
To all members!
At the November 2 Club Monthly Meeting - a proposal was brought forward to the club. We have been asked to assist in the operation of a Spring Indoor Swap meet (date TBA). We are the first car club asked to help out and the opportunity to benefit from the exposure of this event for us & make some $$$ for the club & any charities of our choice is very good!
The areas of publicity and staffing would be our task. The staffing involves gate admission cashiers, set-up & clean up volunteers, over night security & floor staff the day of the meet.
A total of 12 –14 volunteers are needed, so far there are 6-7 that have committed to be on board (50 %). I have been asked to recruit or to see if there is enough interest from the members to support and COMMIT to this idea... The Club needs your response!
The deadline is December 7, 2016 for your response. WE need total commitment for those who sign up on the list. Please reply to Jim K at jskennedy@shaw.ca .
The organizer for this concept has been in the automotive scene for many years and feels the time is right to have this type of event in the city and wants a local car club to assist.
Yours Truly
Jim Kennedy
Meeting Minutes for October 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club October General Meeting Minutes
Driller`s lounge, Airway`s Inn, Nisku AB, @ 7 p.m 12 members present
We welcome a new member on board ! Norm Messervey (1956 4 door wagon)
Open meeting with Sept. minutes read by Club Prez. Roy M. & was accepted by all present.
Treasurer`s report was given by Jim K. The club`s account is good and a donation cheque to the ``Kids with Cancer`` Society of $2200.00 was written. Roy M. is to present the cheque to the ``Kids with Cancer`` Society.
Click "read more" for the full minutes.
Driller`s lounge, Airway`s Inn, Nisku AB, @ 7 p.m 12 members present
We welcome a new member on board ! Norm Messervey (1956 4 door wagon)
Open meeting with Sept. minutes read by Club Prez. Roy M. & was accepted by all present.
Treasurer`s report was given by Jim K. The club`s account is good and a donation cheque to the ``Kids with Cancer`` Society of $2200.00 was written. Roy M. is to present the cheque to the ``Kids with Cancer`` Society.
Click "read more" for the full minutes.
Annual 567 Club Xmas Dinner
It's that time of year again!
The Edmonton & Area 567 club’s Annual Christmas dinner will take place on December 7 @Starting between 6:30-7:00 P.M at Black Jack’s Roadhouse Upstairs at Nisku, AB.
All members welcome with a current membership card.
The cost is $32.85 per person (this includes and covers GST and gratuity) to be PAID at November 2nd General meeting OR before November 16th DEADLINE (this to give ample time for head count for the Caterer )
Non-alcoholic drinks are included in the price, but alcohol costs extra.
You can send a cheque c/o Edmonton 567 Club @ 7807-152C-Ave, Edmonton AB, T5C-3L5 or come out to the meeting in November....
The Great menu from last year will be offered plus the “Twelve days of Christmas door prizes” and a special gift to our Ladies draw... (as a thank you for all they put up with all year)
This venue is an 18+ only event. No children please.
Meeting Minutes for September 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 club September General meeting Minutes
7 p.m Drillers Lounge, Airways Inn, Nisku Ab. 9 members present.
Minutes from August meeting were read by Roy M. & accepted by all present. Welcome to Warren Lee & Glen Kaminsky for joining our group..
Club Prez. thanked the small amount of members that assisted in making the Show n Shine successful. Special thank you to the wives and their friends for their help as well. Thanks goes out to Jim K for all his duties too. The folks at Canadian Tire were impressed & want us back for next year.
Treasurer’s report was given by Jim K. The final numbers were present for the Show n Shine. Again the Club’s bank account was not affected, all costs were covered by our sponsors. THANK-YOU to Them!!! The club account balance was given & accepted by all present.
Bowties vs the World:
A discussion on the show n shine was held and some of the ideas that were brought forward were touched on. What with this being a new venue for our event, we did see some issues arise. A donation to the Kids with Cancer from the total registration received will be $2200.00. A cheque for this amount will be presented to them ASAP. All the Photos and results are posted on our website, Check them out!
Some ideas that were mentioned, is to I.D the ballot pails a little better. The ballot pails for each class had the class marked on the lids but some members suggested that each pail should be numbered to correspond with the way the ballots sheet were printed with each class numbered on them. It may reduce ballots misplaced in the wrong pails. We have
to re-design the ramp for those “low riders” that want to park on the grassy area. It seems that the ramp was a wee bit tough to drive onto & also to add another ramp was brought forward.
The registration time may be moved ahead to 9 a.m instead of the 8 a.m (that 8 a.m time, we have had for many years). This time change may give us more time to set up. This may help ONLY if all members come out to help set up the venue before the entrants arrive. Signage around the new site has to be improved, this idea will be addressed for next year. Having the Boy Scouts attend the BBQ booth was Great! They will be invited back next year as well. The addition of the “Best Early Hot-rod” class was a good idea, & the rest of the award classes will remain. These are always depending on our sponsors. As always we NEED ALL members to assist to make this event to run smoothly. Thank-you cards to all sponsors are to be completed by Jim soon.
New Business:
The Car Club license plate project by Roy M. is deferred to our October meeting.
The club will be at the Red Deer swap meet Oct 8. The club trailer will be there to promote our club with a club table plus Roy & Jim are buying a table each. so 3 tables are booked. This was accepted by all present. The club has also booked 3 tables (1 each for Jim & Roy) and 1 for the Club at the Stony Plain swap meet in November.
November meeting will have a guest speaker, Mr. Reg Adams is slated to attend and bring forth his concept of his about plan on holding a swap meet in city of Edmonton & having us involved with him.
The discussion of getting a 2017 calendar done was brought forward. The 2016 calendar was a big success & plans to do another one were widely accepted by all present. Roy M. will look at some locations for a photo shoot.. When and where will be discussed soon. The season & weather plays a big issue & this project should be done soon. The club will contact all members about bringing their rides out for the photo shoot.
The Website numbers for August were brought forward. We received a little over 2,400 views (wrongly stated during the meeting as 11,000) , with the Pro-Stock Show n Shine & our info on the B vs W event were the most visited.
The Car club’s Annual Christmas supper is slated for December 7 & again Don C. to make all the arrangements, Stay Tuned !!! Thanks Don!
A brief Swap n Shop was then held and there was No 50/50 draw this time..
The meeting ended @ 8:50 p.m
Minutes recorded by: Keith G ( Bernie M, was not present)
Next meeting @ 7 p.m on October 5th @ the Driller’s lounge, Airways Inn. Nisku Ab.
7 p.m Drillers Lounge, Airways Inn, Nisku Ab. 9 members present.
Minutes from August meeting were read by Roy M. & accepted by all present. Welcome to Warren Lee & Glen Kaminsky for joining our group..
Club Prez. thanked the small amount of members that assisted in making the Show n Shine successful. Special thank you to the wives and their friends for their help as well. Thanks goes out to Jim K for all his duties too. The folks at Canadian Tire were impressed & want us back for next year.
Treasurer’s report was given by Jim K. The final numbers were present for the Show n Shine. Again the Club’s bank account was not affected, all costs were covered by our sponsors. THANK-YOU to Them!!! The club account balance was given & accepted by all present.
Bowties vs the World:
A discussion on the show n shine was held and some of the ideas that were brought forward were touched on. What with this being a new venue for our event, we did see some issues arise. A donation to the Kids with Cancer from the total registration received will be $2200.00. A cheque for this amount will be presented to them ASAP. All the Photos and results are posted on our website, Check them out!
Some ideas that were mentioned, is to I.D the ballot pails a little better. The ballot pails for each class had the class marked on the lids but some members suggested that each pail should be numbered to correspond with the way the ballots sheet were printed with each class numbered on them. It may reduce ballots misplaced in the wrong pails. We have
to re-design the ramp for those “low riders” that want to park on the grassy area. It seems that the ramp was a wee bit tough to drive onto & also to add another ramp was brought forward.
The registration time may be moved ahead to 9 a.m instead of the 8 a.m (that 8 a.m time, we have had for many years). This time change may give us more time to set up. This may help ONLY if all members come out to help set up the venue before the entrants arrive. Signage around the new site has to be improved, this idea will be addressed for next year. Having the Boy Scouts attend the BBQ booth was Great! They will be invited back next year as well. The addition of the “Best Early Hot-rod” class was a good idea, & the rest of the award classes will remain. These are always depending on our sponsors. As always we NEED ALL members to assist to make this event to run smoothly. Thank-you cards to all sponsors are to be completed by Jim soon.
New Business:
The Car Club license plate project by Roy M. is deferred to our October meeting.
The club will be at the Red Deer swap meet Oct 8. The club trailer will be there to promote our club with a club table plus Roy & Jim are buying a table each. so 3 tables are booked. This was accepted by all present. The club has also booked 3 tables (1 each for Jim & Roy) and 1 for the Club at the Stony Plain swap meet in November.
November meeting will have a guest speaker, Mr. Reg Adams is slated to attend and bring forth his concept of his about plan on holding a swap meet in city of Edmonton & having us involved with him.
The discussion of getting a 2017 calendar done was brought forward. The 2016 calendar was a big success & plans to do another one were widely accepted by all present. Roy M. will look at some locations for a photo shoot.. When and where will be discussed soon. The season & weather plays a big issue & this project should be done soon. The club will contact all members about bringing their rides out for the photo shoot.
The Website numbers for August were brought forward. We received a little over 2,400 views (wrongly stated during the meeting as 11,000) , with the Pro-Stock Show n Shine & our info on the B vs W event were the most visited.
The Car club’s Annual Christmas supper is slated for December 7 & again Don C. to make all the arrangements, Stay Tuned !!! Thanks Don!
A brief Swap n Shop was then held and there was No 50/50 draw this time..
The meeting ended @ 8:50 p.m
Minutes recorded by: Keith G ( Bernie M, was not present)
Next meeting @ 7 p.m on October 5th @ the Driller’s lounge, Airways Inn. Nisku Ab.
Are You Missing your Bow-Ties Commemorative Photo?
To Entrants in the 2016 16th Annual Bow-Ties vs the World Show and Shine Event,
If you have not yet received a picture of your vehicle - please contact Roy @ 780-909-2283 to see if he has it ready for you and you can arrange to pick the photo up.
The Edmonton & Area 567 Chevy Club
Bow-Ties vs the World Gallery - Events and photos
Bow-Ties vs the World Show & Shine Award Results
The 16th Annual “Bowties vs the World” Show n Shine was held on August 27th at the Canadian Tire store (132 Ave & Fort Road). The weather was not on our side but we still saw 108 entries on the property and had our share of out-of-town entries including from Surrey BC, Grande Prairie, Irma, Westaskiwin, Clyde and Tofield in addition to the Edmonton area.
Kudos to the Kilkenny Scout group for an excellent BBQ and the good folks from Canadian Tire.Sonya and her gang were terrific!!
Click "read more" for full results
Kudos to the Kilkenny Scout group for an excellent BBQ and the good folks from Canadian Tire.Sonya and her gang were terrific!!
Click "read more" for full results
16th Annual Bow-Ties vs the World Gallery: The Rides
30th Pro-Stock Performance Show & Shine
August 14th was the 30th Anniversary Pro-Stock Performance Show and Shine. There was a great turnout from all areas of rides - close to 200 by our count - and everyone was greeted by great weather.
From a Nitro-powered funnycar, an alcohol powered dragster, some pro-mod cars, the City Police Drag team and a vast array of street-driven vehicles - there was everything a Gearhead could ask for.
The Club has its share of members with many people dropping by. Kudos to fellow member Les Hastey, who won an award for his entry - a 1955 2-door low rider.
Special thanks to Kathy and the gang at Pro-Stock Performance for the terrific event!
Just a note - there were some pics we couldn't post ;)
Click "read more" to see the pics
From a Nitro-powered funnycar, an alcohol powered dragster, some pro-mod cars, the City Police Drag team and a vast array of street-driven vehicles - there was everything a Gearhead could ask for.
The Club has its share of members with many people dropping by. Kudos to fellow member Les Hastey, who won an award for his entry - a 1955 2-door low rider.
Special thanks to Kathy and the gang at Pro-Stock Performance for the terrific event!
Just a note - there were some pics we couldn't post ;)
Click "read more" to see the pics
Meeting Minutes for August 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club August Meeting Minutes at the Driller’s lounge in Nisku Ab., 7 p.m 9 members
The minutes from the July meeting were read by Club Prez. Roy & accepted by those in attendance.
Treasurer’s report was given, Account looking very good and event budget in place, accepted by all.
Much of the meeting to discuss upcoming Show n shine.
Bowties vs the World discussion
Jim to have a Pre-event BBQ at his place on August 22 @ 6:30 pm.
Mopac Performance to supply items for door prize table.
After BBQ at Jim’s, members to go over to Event Site to check on event Logistics.. Porta Potties to be delivered day of event @ 7:30 a.m.
New Business
Roy M. has a License plate plaque to show members the possibility to make one for club members ( aluminum grade). A report at Sept. meeting on the costs.
Rimbey ( Central Alberta Raceway) has invited our club on September 10 to their track. Discussion on their invite at September meeting.
Red Deer swap meet for Oct 8, members to discuss our attendance.
Discussion on a 2017 club calendar was presented. A location plus type/style of calendar. Members bring ideas to September meeting.
This was a very short meeting and there was No 50/50 draw..
Meeting ended 7:55p.m Next meeting Sept. 7/16@ 7 p.m .. Nisku AB Recorded by Bernie M.
The minutes from the July meeting were read by Club Prez. Roy & accepted by those in attendance.
Treasurer’s report was given, Account looking very good and event budget in place, accepted by all.
Much of the meeting to discuss upcoming Show n shine.
Bowties vs the World discussion
Jim to have a Pre-event BBQ at his place on August 22 @ 6:30 pm.
Mopac Performance to supply items for door prize table.
After BBQ at Jim’s, members to go over to Event Site to check on event Logistics.. Porta Potties to be delivered day of event @ 7:30 a.m.
New Business
Roy M. has a License plate plaque to show members the possibility to make one for club members ( aluminum grade). A report at Sept. meeting on the costs.
Rimbey ( Central Alberta Raceway) has invited our club on September 10 to their track. Discussion on their invite at September meeting.
Red Deer swap meet for Oct 8, members to discuss our attendance.
Discussion on a 2017 club calendar was presented. A location plus type/style of calendar. Members bring ideas to September meeting.
This was a very short meeting and there was No 50/50 draw..
Meeting ended 7:55p.m Next meeting Sept. 7/16@ 7 p.m .. Nisku AB Recorded by Bernie M.
2016 MOPAR IHRA Rocky Mountain Nationals (video)
For the drag racing fans - 567 Club Member Kellen K spent some time taking in the 2016 MOPAR IHRA Rocky Mountain Nationals from July 15-17 and got some incredible footage for his YouTube series, Drag Files. Check it out.
104 Street Invitational Car Show
The 104 Street invitational car show, hosted by Kelly’s Pub and local establishments, was held on July 16 from 5 –10 p.m. There were 110 entries for the show and lots of things happening. There were 4 classes to enter and cash prizes for award winners. The venue was where the 104 street Farmer’s Market is held & the evening time for this show was kinda neat. Lots of people just taking in the sights & sounds, the weather was terrific! Next year may be even betterif it can top this year’s event.
Thanks to Vern Smart and his lovely daughter Kelly for the invite.
Northern Thunder Car Club's Drayton Valley Show & Shine w/ pics
The Northern Thunder Car Club from Drayton Valley held their annual show n shine on July 17. Despite competing with the bad weather they managed 74 entries, including three members of our club. The event was pretty cool & most people that we met were very nice! Special Thanks goes out to Bob & Co. for a great day!
Meeting Minutes for July 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 club July general meeting Minutes
7 p.m @ The Drillers lounge, Nisku Ab.
July 6/2016 13 members
from June meeting were read by Club Prez. Roy M. & were accepted by all
members present.
Click "Read More" for the full minutes.
1st Ever KMS Tools Ltd. Show & Shine
The First ever KMS tools Ltd. show n shine was held at their store. They had projected about 60 entries for this event BUT they almost tripled the expected amount. There were 4 members from the club and you could not ask for better weather. Lots of cool entries, spectators and lots of draws.
Hopefully KMS will present next year’s show with a few more categories, as there were only 2 categories plus the peoples choice award.
Hopefully KMS will present next year’s show with a few more categories, as there were only 2 categories plus the peoples choice award.
2016 Camrose Cruisers Show n Shine
The Camrose Cruisers show n shine was terrific! The weather was hot with partial cloudiness (everyone was watching the sky for the big storm) and the entrant count was approx. 180 plus.
There is always lots to see from cars,trucks and people! Lots of people! The females love the unique shops that line the Main street, which holds the show n shine.
Daysland Canada Day Cruise
The club was invited to a Canada Day festivity in Daysland Alberta by Fellow member Daymion Weiss. The cruise out to Daysland was great and the weather was also another nice addition.
The people at Daysland really know how to hold a event! The pancake breakfast hosted by the Town’s Fire Dept. was fantastic, then over to the town park to celebrate Canada Day. The burgers, Ice cream & birthday Cake were mouthwatering to say the least! The members and their wives really enjoyed themselves.
Thanks goes to Daymion for the invite & we will mark next year’s date down on the calendar to be there again
Greasy D's Canada Day Cars in the Park Show & Shine - JULY 1
Just a reminder that this FRIDAY, July 1 from 11 to 4 is the 2nd annual Cars in the Park Show & Shine, brought to you by Greasy D's Rod & Kustom. There will be a "Pancake Breaky" at 8am and they are looking for volunteers to come help out.
If you're interested in taking part in an Edmonton & Area 567 Club Cruise to the event contact Jim at 780-473-4559.
If you're interested in taking part in an Edmonton & Area 567 Club Cruise to the event contact Jim at 780-473-4559.
16th Annual Bow-Ties vs the World Released
It's ready to go. The official poster for the 2016 "Bow-Ties vs the World" Charity Show N Shine, brought to you by the Edmonton 567 Club is online with all the details. Please note the address/venue change from previous years.
Meeting Minutes for June 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club June meeting Minutes
June 1/2016 Airways Inn, Nisku Ab. Start- 7:05 p.m 14 members
Click "read more" for the full minutes
June 1/2016 Airways Inn, Nisku Ab. Start- 7:05 p.m 14 members
Click "read more" for the full minutes
Meeting Minutes for May 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club May Meeting
May 4/106 @ the Airways Inn Start-7pm 12 members
Click "read more" for the full minutes
May 4/106 @ the Airways Inn Start-7pm 12 members
Click "read more" for the full minutes
Vintage Day Show & Shine at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club will be attending the Vintage Day Show & Shine at the Ukrainian Cultural Heritage Village on June 26, 2016
Activities include Swing dance performances and lessons, Singing contests, childrens activities and music performed by Cooper Studios.
Activities include Swing dance performances and lessons, Singing contests, childrens activities and music performed by Cooper Studios.
2nd Annual Canada Day Cars in the Park Event
Morinville Show and Shine
Members of the Edmonton & Area 567 Club will be attending the Morinville Show and Shine on June 25th from 8am-4pm. If you are interested, registration is $15
Proceeds raised will go toward the Jessica Martel Foundation. This event is sponsored by Bumper to Bumper & Home hardware
CLICK HERE for more info.
Proceeds raised will go toward the Jessica Martel Foundation. This event is sponsored by Bumper to Bumper & Home hardware
CLICK HERE for more info.
Reynolds Alberta Museum Visit and Tour (Pictures)
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club members and their wives had a cruise to the World Famous Reynolds Museum in Wetaskiwin, AB on May 14. The tour was presented by our host Kerrie and included a special behind the scenes Work Shop Tour.
We had the whole building plus the aircraft display to ourselves (that was nice), plus a couple of members (Armand & Clayton) took a ride in a vintage Bi-plane around the location! The whole experience was a hoot!
Many thanks to Roy for setting this trip up!
Click "Read More" to see images from the tour.
We had the whole building plus the aircraft display to ourselves (that was nice), plus a couple of members (Armand & Clayton) took a ride in a vintage Bi-plane around the location! The whole experience was a hoot!
Many thanks to Roy for setting this trip up!
Click "Read More" to see images from the tour.
Club Leadership Updates
During the May 2016 meeting elections were held
Vice President Daymion Weiss has stepped down due to the responsibilities of his new role as a volunteer direfighter in Daysland, AB. The newly elected VP is Shawn Green. Congratulations to the both of you on your new roles.
Additionally - the role of Club Secretary has been dissolved and replaced by club M.M.R which will now be performed by Bernie McIvor. Congratulations to Bernie.
Vice President Daymion Weiss has stepped down due to the responsibilities of his new role as a volunteer direfighter in Daysland, AB. The newly elected VP is Shawn Green. Congratulations to the both of you on your new roles.
Additionally - the role of Club Secretary has been dissolved and replaced by club M.M.R which will now be performed by Bernie McIvor. Congratulations to Bernie.
Reynolds Alberta Museum Tour
The Reynolds Museum tour that was postponed due to unforeseen personal circumstances has been rescheduled and is a GO for May 14 at 10am. The tour allows for all current members to check out their workshop - which typically is not open to the public.
Current paid members will have free admission and may bring a guest/partner for $13 per person. If our group exceeds 30 people we will get a 10% discount. Lunch is either bagged or available for purchase at the museum. A decision will be made on the date based on headcount.
Members are encouraged to bring their member card as verification.
The museum can be located at 6426 40 Ave, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada
Current paid members will have free admission and may bring a guest/partner for $13 per person. If our group exceeds 30 people we will get a 10% discount. Lunch is either bagged or available for purchase at the museum. A decision will be made on the date based on headcount.
Members are encouraged to bring their member card as verification.
The museum can be located at 6426 40 Ave, Wetaskiwin, Alberta, Canada
Meeting Minutes for April 2016
Edmonton & Area 567 club April meeting minutes
Held @
Driller’s lounge, Nisku Ab, 7 p.m
14 members present
The previous minutes from March meeting were read by
Roy M. & accepted by all who were present.
The treasurer’s monthly report was given, Club
account is in Good shape, there were 3 disbursements in March ( swap meet in
Red Deer, Stony Plain swap meet & website charges).. The report was
accepted by all members present.
A report on the Red Deer swap meet was given, the
club again had a real good response and we have two new members to our group.
Let’s welcome to the club Mr. Rene LaForce & Mr. Warren Lee… NEW MEMBERS
The club’s website had 1153 hits for the month.
The road trip to Reynolds Museum was cancelled due
to an untimely event, Roy will announce a new date, will be sometime in May.
Roy & Jim met with
the Senior Manager & Store Manager @ Canadian Tire (Fort Rd). The response
from them is very good & very positive to host the 16th Annual
Show n Shine at their location. Their commitment to our club was highly noted
& most of the ideas and plans that we have had in the past were greatly
However there are a few minor things to be discussed and worked out,
their overall enthusiasm to our event was terrific. The location will be
reviewed in two years as they are moving to a bigger and better location close
to the Henday/Fort Road area, just a little north from where they are now. The folks @ Canadian Tire want us!!! And
their new location was discussed as well, with us in their plans…
A motion was then
presented to the members present, to relocate the Show n Shine & work with
the folks @ Canadian Tire as opposed to staying at previous location at Northgate Centre. This was passed by all
members present (14 for & 0 against).. Another meeting with the Store manager
is slated in the early part of May. A letter of notice was sent to Northgate
Centre on the our decision & thanking them for their support over the
The Canadian Tire location
has room for 150 plus entries plus two grassy areas for use and a nice area for
a vendors row. Great visual & access from the street. Plus we can select
our choice of food vendors to be present. Maybe there is a local Girl
Guide/Boy scout troop that would like to hold a BBQ spot at the event or maybe
a community group as well.
The Canadian Tire store
has donated to us, new Voting Ballot pails (15 of them) about 6L size for our
award balloting. We could use approx. 12 folding chairs, anyone with a source
to help us, let the Exec. know please.
New ballot sheets to be
printed for the event and promotional posters as well.
Keith G.is getting info
on the rental of “PortaPotties” for the day plus we need, not only for this
day, but for other events as well, some large size Refuse Cans (4 or 5), Anyone
that can assist us in finding some( donation) please let us know.. The club may
also purchase these as well. Must be able to stack & store these in our
Most of the Award
Sponsors from last year & from the years gone by have returned, Jim is
still accepting sponsorships and looking for others. If you know of anyone who
would like to be an award sponsor at our
event, please contact Jim.
The club is always
looking for door prize articles for the event, if you can get something that we
can use that would be great!!!! Do let Jim know, as well.
Some of the local
businesses in the area will be approached for our event, to aid in the above
mentioned door prizes or as an award sponsorship (if needed).
The goodie bag idea was
discussed and we need items for that was well. We are looking at the first 80
entries (or maybe more) to receive a “bag”. The entrant’s photo will return
plus a entrant cash award as well.. Additional contests we have been noted for,
such as the pie eating contest, Ladies sparkplug change contest, Shop Creeper
drag races & a kids event will still occur.. Stay tuned for more.
New Business
The club will be at Drayton
Valley on April 16 & at Stony Plain on April 23 to promote the club.. Other
members as well will be at these locations.
A photo/ cruising spot
has been proposed to the club, the Burger Baron on 118Ave & 125 St. has a
50’s style car port that can handle 8 to 10 cars under it plus it is a great
location to show our “rides”. Great off the street visibility for our group.
And the food is fantastic! Not bad for “fast food”. Maybe we can make it work!!
Edmonton Plating (Steve
Query) in association with the Heart & Stroke foundation are searching to
hold a swap meet.. Those in the planning to contact Jim to assist & will
need support from our club.
The idea of a members
“cruise” to a burger spot in Calmar is still planned to happen, stay tuned for
time and date..
Shop & Talk
Members discussed Parts
& vehicles required..
The meeting ended @
8:20 pm
50/50 winners
Cash won by Brian C.
T-shirt won by Keith G.
Matco tools coffee mug
won by Bernie M.
Minutes recorded by
Bernie M.
Next meeting on May
4/2016 at 7 p.m Driller’s Lounge, Airways Inn, Nisku
Meeting Minutes for March 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 Club March meeting Minutes
7 p.m March 2nd @ The Driller’s lounge, 14 members present
Click "read more" for details
7 p.m March 2nd @ The Driller’s lounge, 14 members present
Click "read more" for details
Trip to the Reynolds Museum (CANCELLED)
Due to unforeseen circumstances - the trip to the Reynolds Museum, originally scheduled for March 12, 2016 - has been postponed until further notice. Sorry for any inconvenience.
Meeting Minutes for February 2016
The Edmonton & Area 567 club
February general meeting
Start- 7:10 p.m @ Airway Inn, Nisku AB. 12 members present
The minutes from
January meeting were read by Club Prez. Roy M..
Click "Read more" for the full details
Meeting Minutes for January 2016
Start time : 7 p.m January 6th/2016 12 members present
(click Read More to see them in full)
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