
Meeting Minutes for March 2015

         The Edmonton & area 567 Club March Meeting Minutes
    March 4th @ the Airways motor Inn     7 p.m  with 12 members

Opening minutes of Feb. minutes were read by Roy M & accepted by those in attendance...  The Treasurer’s report was given by Jim K. and was well accepted by the members. All is ok!!

We had Mr. Roger Silcox from Amsoil hold his presentation on all the Amsoil products.. Q & A then followed, Roger is going to arrange to have the club on the preferred customer program & is available to all Edmonton & area 567 Club members (we should get approx. 20/25% off any product).. Those in attendance rec’d a product catalogue & info.

The club will be at Red Deer on March 20th and at Drayton Valley on April 18th ( at the curling club)

Bowties vs the World update
 Jim has one sponsor ( Showtime Auto) as a paid sponsor already, for his awards. Jim has surveyed most of last year’s sponsors and they all have indicated that the extra $$ for the sponsor’s logos on the back of the shirts is a little too much because of the current economic situation..
Jim feels that the sponsorship commitment for the awards is more important than adding more $$ to the fee of the sponsors. This idea is closed by the membership, but if there is a sponsor who wants to buy the whole back of the event t-shirt.. WE can deal !!!
Ok was given to Jim to have 200 letter size hand-outs printed for the Red Deer swap meet plus two Extra large posters. To make some more for Drayton & Stoney Plain after the Red Deer week-end.. Club members voted in favour to cover the over nite stay at hotel covered for the swap meet volunteers..                                               
Jim also ask those in attendance for ideas for the event to make it more appealing to attract more interest.. Come on Members help him out !!
The idea of using Porta-Potties at our event is questionable, the liability and costs are an issue. Jim to look into this concept and report back at April Meeting. There are washrooms located in the mall & at Chili’s Resturant to use however..

Jim to present  KMS tools with a Trailer sponsorship/advertising position. Will report back at the April meeting..
The “Kids with Cancer” house tour to be finalized by the April meeting.
Also a question was brought up about any upcoming indoor car shows at Northlands.. More to come.. TBA

50/50 winner- Arman L..   Amsoil products were won by Gene B & ???

Meeting ended @ 8:25 PM  Next meeting April 1st @ Airways Inn.

Thank to Bernie M for recording these minutes.

Meeting Minutes for January and February 2015

*apologies for the delay in minutes postings.  Below is a combination of both January and February meetings, as several key members could not attend the January meeting due to weather.

           The Edmonton & Area 567 Club February general meeting
         At The Airways Motor Inn in Nisku, Alberta 7 P.M
( This update newsletter will also have some meeting results from a January meeting that was held)

The minutes from Janaury were read with approx 14 members in attendance & were accepted.

Treasurer`s report was given with the balance after the Christmas supper payment ( still waiting for full payment from some members),

The club has made the decision that in future, any club Socials that occur must require the members to pay in full ( to avoid the problem that has risen) in advance… The club account is looking good as of the Feb. meeting

The Amsoil Rep. will be at our March meeting to discuss their products and address any questions that you may have..

New Business
Jim K. still to make arrangements to tour the `Kids with Cancer` House Details will be made when he makes the arrangements.
Roy.M. to have info on the New club T-Shirts & the school graphics dept. may produce them..
Upcoming swap meets were discussed, we will be at Red Deer in March and in Drayton Valley in April.. Plus maybe in Stoney Plain when it comes up..
Trailer sponsorship & advertising for 2015 was discussed, with a majority to be back, the yearly fee is only $100.00 per year..
Bowties vs the World update
 A discussion on Porta-potties at the event was discussed, more to come on this topic.   The event poster has been done up (check the website) and there will colored flyers at all swap meets to hand out.. Also we will need a couple of added sponsors for two new classes if the membership decides to add these two classes.. Most Sponsors will be back to help us for this year..
The event is listed again in the 2015 Cruise Calandar , which should be avail.in March at Red Deer. We will grab a bunch of copies for our members..
With this being the 15th Anniversary of the event, a proposal was brought forth to sell sponsor`s logos on the back of the limited edition event t-shirt.. Jim to check out the possibilities and approach our sponsors on this idea, or the possibility to sale the back of our shirt to a lone sponsor. He will report back in March..
Jim was to be a guest at the Feb. CCHRA meeting to talk about our club and the Event, but due to his health issues, Jim was not able to attend.. Maybe at a later date..

Added new business
   2015 is the 60th birthday of the Potent 55 Chevy, the club to mark this milestone, Any Ideas..

January meeting ended at 7:55 pm with the 50/50 draw. 50/50 winner-  Gene B.. Framed Pictures won – Brian C & Doug J.  Note: the framed pictures were given to us by a former Calgary 567member.. 
February 50/50 winner – Bernie M. & Framed pictures won by Shawn G and Doug J.

2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553