
Meeting Minutes for May 2014

 Edmonton & area 567 Club May Minutes        May 7/2014      15 members present

    1 – April’s minutes were read by Roy. M and accepted by the members
    2- The treasurer’s report was given and accepted by the members ( a break-down on the Antique Swap meet costs were noted)
    3- The website keeps getting a lot of viewers, April’s “tally” was 2006 viewers...

   Old  Business
     1- The club is getting good feedback on the “Bowties vs the World” S/S..
     2 – The club website is being used alot more than last year by members, any questions on how to post your “ads”, contact webmaster or follow instruction posted..Need More Member’s “pics” if you have not provided one yet.. Also please let us know on your updated e-mail addresses ( changes or deletes)
    3- The Club Sold a “fair” amount of raffle Ticket at the Antique Swap Meet at Red Deer...
    4 – The club received 1 new member from out of the Province & a renewal at the Booth in Red Deer..
    5- Again the club was well received by those who attended the Red Deer Antique Swap Meet.. Note: We are always asking for help from our membership to assist at these functions!!
    6- Both the club jacket patches & hoodie request/ info was not returned by supplier.. Hoping that we can have info at June’s meeting..
    7- The proposed Fountain Tire Shop Tour is on the shelf. Jim trying to get a date and time from them, he has no commitment from them as yet..
    8 – Annual Summer Kick-off BBQ @ Jim’s place will be announced at June meeting..

New Business
    1- The Indoor Car show @ Northlands was discussed, members were asked to appear to expose or Highlight our club, We need approx. 6 or more vehicles.. Club to pay $10.00 for each club car that is     at our club display. The entry fee is $50.00 per vehicle,Those who have said yes are Don.C , Greg.R, Chris L., Jim K., Gene B., so far... Need to know by May 15th deadline..
    2- The idea is still on the “boards” about our club presenting a local swap meet, discussion still surrounds this unique idea..
    3- The sponsors for our Event are 95% covered/committed , the Posters are being drawn up as we speak..
    4- We need everyone on board to get door Prizes from who ever they can & a few quality silent auction items as well for the event..
    5- A weekly club cruise to a local city park was discussed and the idea was passed.. Sunday in the Park will start in June, Come to the meeting to give your ideas...
    6- Cruising and participating in other events though out the summer as a group was also discussed with a large acceptance to the idea by those at the meeting...
    7- The club has been approached by 2 senior complexes about having members come to they places to show-off their vehicles to the “old Folks”, more info on this at the June meeting..

             Attention All Members – Please SALE YOUR RAFFLE TICKETS the club counts on your participation !!!!!
  50/50 winners
         Cash – Daymion Wiess    2nd- 2 tickets to a MMA fight nite- Gene Larose  3 – club t-shirt- Doug Jolliffe
NEXT MEETING – June 4th @ 7 p.m Black Jack’s Roadhouse Nisku AB..       BE THERE !!

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2023 BowTies Vs the World

  August 26  @ NAPA AUTO PARTS  173 Street/111 Ave     Contact Jim @ 780-721-5553